Monday, November 12, 2007

Heroes: Where I Hereby Proclaim, As a Fan of Veronica Mars

That I'm ready to smack Kristen Bell's character from here until next season. Goddamn, is she irritating.

I think we just saw Mama Petrelli's power. And I'm not talking about her ability to turn around and stab her offspring in the back (metaphorically speaking, of course).

The twins. . . . Oh, I'm sorry. I fell asleep there. What's happening to them again? Oh, yes. Black goop, dead people, over and over again.

Poor Niki. Her actions make much more sense now. I still hope she doesn't stick around.

Bob is evil. He may not actually be, but he's pissing me off.

Yeeeesss!! Our weekly gratuitous scene of Peter without his shirt.


Toby said...

I guess we're to take that scene as a sign that Mama Petrelli's powers are those of persuasion. So, it looks like we're just doubling up on powers this season. Or else there is a fixed set of powers and they express themselves in each generation. Any bets on whether Adam's blood in itself is the virus and that's why Nathan dies in the first wave, since he already has it in him? And as my sister pointed out, the blood they've been using to work on at the Company to develop the virus could have come from Adam originally, given that he's been locked up there for 30 years. My question is if the Haitian really wanted Peter to start a new life, why did he leave him his passport, plane ticket, and photo of him with his brother?
Niki is going to die soon. After causing her husband's death, she won't fight the virus.

Laura said...

Yeah, it looks like they're underscoring that the previous generation had the same powers. I still say that it's a Mendelian experiment, in that future generations come up with different combinations and results.

Makes sense that Adam's blood is the virus. Although the other factor in this is that the company (not a reliable source of unbiased information) is conveying the story that Adam pulled the 1st gen together and went crazy. So our concept of him as evil is based on this interpretation.

Also, if Adam is the one killing the first generation and he was locked up in the facility for 30, how would he have killed Hiro's dad?

Do you think Claire's blood would be the antidote to Adam's blood? Do you think they're two sides of the same coin, like Peter and Silar?

Yeah, I think Niki's going to die.

Aren't you finding Elle beyond irritating too? I get the sociopath, lifetime in the company, etc., but she's been watching too much Buffy and taking notes on Vampire Willow.

Toby said...

If you look at the timeline, by the time Hiro's father is killed, Peter and Adam had already escaped from the facility. As per the series, everyone is morally ambiguous except for: Peter, Silar, Hiro, basically anyone under the age of 30. After that, all bets are off. Bob has said that Claire's blood could be the cure, so if he's not lying, that could be the case. Arguably, people with similar powers fall on opposite sides of the moral spectrum: Parkman v. his father; Silar v. Peter (not the same power in execution but in end result); and in the cases where they are mixed, they're both mixed: Mama Petrelli v. brunette from season one with the pixie cut; Nathan v. West.

Elle is pretty over the top. Emote much? They'll have to start dressing her in much skimpier outfits to make her tolerable (the infamous Kim Bauer approach to character building).

Laura said...

I argue that it's blanket ambiguity; even Peter is sometimes morally ambiguous (and Claire too and Hiro), because self-interest, and by extension family interest, sometimes conficts with the greater good. And in all cases, information isn't perfect. Hence, in the alternate timeline Parkman and Suresh end up working for the company. They're all very human and with their own failings, tempatations, and blind spots, which in certain situations lead down a wrong path. But I think there are those who tend toward good, all things equal, and those (like Parkman's dad, Silar) who tend toward evil.

I like the idea of the mirror-image powers.