Thursday, December 18, 2008

As It's Been Two Whole Days Since Our Last Snowstorm

We are supposed to be getting a foot of snow--mixed in with some ice and sleet, just to make it interesting. Yay!! I may have to bust out the new snowblower, if I can successfully (1) start it and (2) shove it through the frozen weeds on the side of my house (don't ask. my yard-care mistakes become apparent when it seems least likely).


Unknown said...

Oh just rub it in.....we've had nothing but rain.... can you send some of that lovely white stuff my way?

Does the new office space include a window for appropriate snow flake admiring? :)


Laura said...

I would definitely bestow some, if not all of it, in your direction. Soon as Toby hashes out that weather-directing implement, we'll be golden.

Nope, no window in the new office. The cube people have the alley view, though. I've had to send Plant Eggberth toward naturally lit futures there.

Andy was the one with the lake views, yet he throws it all away. Ungrateful, I tell you.