Friday, May 16, 2008

Meh. Not So Much with the Festivity.

I think at some point I'm going to learn that overinflated expectations only lead to disappointment. The free food on this urban fest is thin on the ground, the promised free smoothies from participating vendors never materialized, the expectation of work is still among us despite the thumping bass line of the outdoor speakers permeating the concrete of our building. Can I concentrate? Hell no.

The bosses have all disappeared without actually giving us leave to, um, leave. The lobby of my building and the sidewalk outside are wall-to-wall people, and my posse of die-hard partakers of the free drinks have dropped off due to other commitments and lack of interest.

All week, I was excited about the prospect of a parade, but now I just want to slap my way through the crowds that get in my way. I'm of half a mind to say screw it and go home.

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