Well, one of them, anyway. Behold! Is this not the ugliest shrub you've ever seen? I realize that the plastic bag adds that extra bit of class for which I'm known by my city's inspectors--worry not, I threw it away. Thoughts on what I should do with the ugly shrub? Rip it out? Torch it? And in it's place, I should do what? A fence? A baby shrub that will look like this in forty years, after which I will be long gone? A fountain? A yard sculpture?
As a tonic, a nice contained bit of greenery: my kitchen herb garden. Obviously, I'm meant to garden on a small scale.

two words.....Japanese Maple.....
Or azaleas
You guys rock! Both things I hadn't thought of. All I could think was... a really big fence. Aesthetically, not so pleasing, but oh so functional.
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