There are too many favorite parts for me to choose from, among the terrible and redundant prose, the faux-poetry intro, the illustrations. I'll just quote you a bit from About the Author:
The author would like to thank God. "Thank you, God."The Amazon.com customer reviews provide good additional commentary and cultural analysis (A "Tour de Horse," indeed! I too await Ms. Gibson's book on the dangers of premarital sex). And a dramatic reading is on youtube here.
Originally posted here, with commentary by the person who found it and scanned it, but the link was dead (tragically!) when I tried to view it again.
Forwarded by our friend Erik.
so this is what people mean when they tell me to get off my high horse.
Oh the equinity! I think that pack of young colts mugged me a few years back. I never forget a blaze.
Ah, the puns! They write themselves.
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