Joint flexibility supplements for arthritis: $15 per 40-day pack
Special food for urinary tract conditions and weight control: $20
Other special food to transition from the special food before the regular food: $20
Regular food: $10
Potassium supplements: $1 per 2 pills per day
Thyroid pills: $1 per pill
Tuna for twice-daily sneak pilling: $.07 per day
A loving companion beast whose quality time is spent wrapped around the toilet: Priceless.
I believe that is a perfectly cromulent place for a cat to hang out.
No observation on the Seinfeld reference? I'm disappointed.
"Cromulent"? Was bedeudet das?
Ah, the Simpsons. I cover my head in shame.
I'm sorry, I couldn't figure out the original reference, though I knew I'd heard it. What episode?
When George runs over the squirrel, and to impress the woman he's dating (or not to disappoint her expectations), he takes it to the animal hospital. The vet tells them that the squirrel will pull through, with extensive surgery, but first they have to send away for the special tiny instruments.
Man, I'm so obscure. It's kind of pathetic. But I think I'm confusing you with another friend of mine who's of the Seinfeldian school, as opposed to the Simpsons one.
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