Monday, August 20, 2007

Is Our Children Learning? The Nancy Reagan Edition

Most of you know that I grew up on a farm, with chores, truck farming, and lots of animals. And many was the day that we'd round the barn, heading for the pasture, only to to come upon a scene like this:
Or this:

Young horses, spare time. You see where youth can go bad, even when they lack opposable thumbs. Or hands. But one author has written a gripping morality tale about what happens when one horse learns to just say "No."

There are too many favorite parts for me to choose from, among the terrible and redundant prose, the faux-poetry intro, the illustrations. I'll just quote you a bit from About the Author:
The author would like to thank God. "Thank you, God."
The customer reviews provide good additional commentary and cultural analysis (A "Tour de Horse," indeed! I too await Ms. Gibson's book on the dangers of premarital sex). And a dramatic reading is on youtube here.

Originally posted here, with commentary by the person who found it and scanned it, but the link was dead (tragically!) when I tried to view it again.

Forwarded by our friend Erik.


erik said...

so this is what people mean when they tell me to get off my high horse.

Toby said...

Oh the equinity! I think that pack of young colts mugged me a few years back. I never forget a blaze.

Laura said...

Ah, the puns! They write themselves.