Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another Minion Playlet in One Scene

My friends, picture, if you will, your humble blogger slogging away at her mountain of work and past-due projects. Further picture that, for its first time in 15 years (obviously, since long before her arrival), she single-handedly gets her main product on schedule, by doing more than twice the normal amount of work this year. Impressive, isn't it? And, to add emotional depth and the proper sense of triumph to this moment, I give you another fictionalized minion playlet.

Scene: office. Various office minions (OM), the uber muckety-muck (UMM), and quasi-muckety-mucks (QMM) gather to talk.

OM1 (to QMM): So, I wanted to let you know that I just sent out X, Y, Z, and am getting A, B, and C from Dr. Whosit. These things will all ship out at the end of the month, and as soon as I get A, B, C to OutSource U, we'll be set. Everything done, on time, like clockwork for 2008, and the back log gone. Woo!

QMM: This is fantastic! That's wonderful! Good for you! We need to celebrate! Hey [UMM], did you hear this?

[Meanwhile, UMM is in conversation with OM2, at the other end of the room.]

UMM: Wow, [OM2], that's great how you did that performance on your free time. I wasn't aware that you did interpretive dancing. Hope next time more people than just me and QMM will show. Thanks so much for inviting me! Um, did everyone else know about it?

OM2: Ohhhh, I told the important people. Thank you for coming! [fits of giggling] Have I mentioned I love your outfit?

[QMM gestures UMM over to his conversation.]

QMM: Hey, OM1 just hit her targets, and sent out the last thing today!

UMM: That's my girl! [high fives OM1] We'll going to hijack the office-wide holiday party to celebrate this.

[OM2 scowls.]

End scene.

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