Saturday, December 29, 2007

It Looks Like That Race for the Craziest GOP Advisors and Supporters Continues

A "designated surrogate" for the Giuliani campaign declared, on video:

He's [Guiliani's] got I believe the knowledge and the judgment to attack one of the most difficult problems in current history and that is the rise of the Muslims, and make no mistake about it, this hasn't happened for a thousand years. These people are very, very dedicated and they're also very smart, in their own way. We need to keep the feet to the fire and keep pressing these people until we defeat or chase them back to their caves -- or in other words get rid of them."

When asked later if he stood by his comments, he responded:

"I most assuredly do. I've been very concerned about this Muslim thing for quite awhile. The average American does not know beans about what the Muslims are about. I am talking about the Muslims in general. I don't subscribe to the principle that there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. They're all Muslims."

Deady added, "When I say get rid of them, I wasn't necessarily referring to genocide."

Well, I for one am glad he clarifed with the "not necessarily," aren't you?

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