Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I Know This Is Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

But more wisdom from Rush Limbaugh, by way of incisive political analysis. Lots of people think it, but a few brave souls have the courage to say it out loud. Regarding Hillary Clinton:
There is this thing in this country that, as you age -- and this is particularly, you know, women are hardest hit on this, and particularly in Hollywood -- America loses interest in you, and we know this is true because we constantly hear from aging actresses, who lament that they can't get decent roles anymore, other than in supporting roles that will not lead to any direct impact, yay or nay, in the box office...

We know that the presidency ages the occupants of that office rapidly... But men aging makes them look more authoritative, accomplished, distinguished.

Sadly, it's not that way for women, and they will tell you... Look at all of the evidence. I mean, I've just barely scratched the surface with some of the evidence, and so: Will Americans want to watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?

My god, no. I don't even want to watch myself age. My plan is to spare us all and start wearing a hood once I hit 45.


Toby said...

Fortunately, we always have Margaret Thatcher to throw into Republican faces. She was Reagan's best buddy, so, basically an argument ender in my book.

Laura said...

Well, to be fair, she was never sexxxxay. It's the erosion of the sexxxxay that's so painful for these tender souls to watch. I can hardly blame them. It's like witnessing abused kittens or something.