Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Best Government Money Can Buy!

The Supreme Court is set to hear a case about the rights of investors seeking to recover losses from third parties, such as insurers and accounting firms. The SEC supports the investors, believing it's important to the "integrity of the market." That, of course, warms my heart, because that's sort of the purpose of the SEC, no?

The Bush Administration, however, was not of the same opinion.
Siding with big business, President Bush overruled the commission, contending that to allow such investor claims to go forward would lead to billions of dollars in potentially abusive lawsuits.
It's admirable, really, this single-mindedness of purpose, this loyalty, this unswerving adherence to the donor base.

It seems to me the way to go is to take up a really big collection to buy off a political party. Who's with me? We spread it around enough, it should be really affordable.

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