Thursday, October 4, 2007

Where We Elucidate the Difference between Me and a Limbless Reptile

I had one of my stranger conversations today with a friend of mine. Post-lunch, we were talking, and I was patting my stomach in a satisfied, Henry VIII-after-he's-chowed-his-leg-of-mutton sort of way.

As we know, I'm on the skinny side, and my friend mocked me for this display. In reply, I observed that a person can generally see his or her stomach pooch out after eating, thus the necessity of stretchy pants at Thanksgiving, etc.

He responded by asking me, in all seriousness, whether, as a skinny person, I could actually see food moving through my digestive system.

Yes. Yes, I can. And I spend hours watching it under the surface of my scaly, irridescent skin. SSssssss.


Unknown said...

thats why you skinny folks are so darned fascinating - we can literally see right through your skin into your digestive tract!

Large and lovely ladies have also perfected the stretchy-pant-0-thon thanksgiving ceremony.....

Laura said...

We are practically transparent, it's true. Turn us sideways, and it's 3D.

Oh, yes. The sacred stretchy pants ritual, performed at Thanksgiving across the country! In my family, it also extends to parlour ice cream trips, for which we fast in advance.