Monday, October 15, 2007

Sorta Like Staring at Those 3-D Paintings, But Less Headache-y

Which way do you see the dancer turning?

I must be well balanced. She started off counter when I got there, then I looked away to read and she was spinning clockwise. It was kind of transfixing.


Toby said...

If clockwise in this means her leg starts at the right and moves left, then I see it mostly going clockwise, though that runs counter to what I know about my cognitive skills to say I'm right brained. I saw it spin the other way a few times, but when I tried to concentrate on it, it would flip back the other way.

Laura said...

I think the idea is clockwise looking at her from the top, so yeah, that sounds about right. Huh. I'd definitely say you were of the logical sort.

I'm curious about the whole lefthand/righthand thing, because they say you're right brained (or some aspect of same) if you're left handed, but that doesn't make sense as a blanket statement.

Laura said...

And it's really unnecessary that she's naked and has nipples.

erik said...

she's rotating clockwise. i cannot see her going counterclockwise at all, no matter how much of my work day i waste trying to do it. and apparently her hair is made of wood or plastic or titanium, because gravity has no effect on her ponytail.

toby, you're also really into pink floyd. i think your crunchy left brained exterior hides a nougaty, right brained center.

Laura said...

In-teresting. You're obviously not wasting enough time trying.

I, on the other hand, went back a couple of times and got a different thing at first view. Wild. Then, I could will it to go one way or the other by reading the appropriate quality (math? no! spinning the other way; spatial abilities? no! changing directions again).

It's more more interesting than painstakingly fixing font issues.

Erik, I had a dream about you last night (and about my friend's cat, over whom I was in a custody battle with dc ex, but that's neither her nor there). You were going somewhere. Are you going somewhere? Am I psychic in addition to being ambi-brained?

Toby said...

Who's to say this isn't a trick and the image actually randomly changes direction, rather than our brain making the switch? In any case, this time, after reading some of the left brained qualities, per Laura's suggestion, I did get it to swap to the left brain direction. I also found it odd that she's pirouetting naked, especially when she's doing it in such a cold room.

Unknown said...

I also saw her go both ways, which is really not surprising for a gal who dances around nekkid in an icebox.

I regret to report, however, that this left-handed chick saw her mostly going clockwise. I think Toby may be onto something re: the possibility that the image is programmed to randomly change direction.

erik said...

after much more trying, i was finally able to get her to switch directions. the key (for me) was focusing my gaze on the pivot foot and then trying to redirect the outstretched arm, visible peripherally, in the opposite direction. then i could make her do as i please! ahahahahaha!

am i going anywhere? you mean like vacation? let's see: i'm going to santa barbara in a couple of weeks. i might go to mexico city early next year. i might go to a new job next year. and right now i think i'm going to the restroom to vomit from watching that stupid silhouette spin around. where was i going in your dream?

Laura said...

I don't know. After the cat hostage situation (he was going on a ship, and I was negotiating with him to leave the cat, who really doesn't like to travel), you were there for some reason, and you gave me a hug. And I was like, oh, are you taking off somewhere? And you said yes. Unhelpfully, you didn't elaborate.

Obviously, I'm picking up vacation vibes. That's it, I'm setting up the online psychic network. Where are my tarot cards?