Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bizarre Things People Have Said That Make My Neckpain Worse

Since I do the whole 9-to-5 thing, I don't actually watch The View, although I have seen it on occasion. They've cycled in some new people, it seems, since I last dropped in. And one of them isn't quite sure whether the earth is flat or round.

I'm not sure which interpretation is more disturbing: the possibility that she never stumbled across a globe in her years of schoolin' (hell, I was an English major, and I managed that) or the possibility that, like global warming and evolution, the shape of the earth is now a matter of opinion.

And Bill O'Reilly--salt of the earth, man of the people, possessor of his own television show--visited a restaurant in Harlem and was stunned, stunned to discover that he didn't drop into a gangsta rap music video:
O'REILLY: That's right. That's right. There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, "M-Fer, I want more iced tea."
This is, of course, how our country becomes known for its enlightened cultural attitudes and racial sensitivities.

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